Mycetoma: Management for the First Contact Doctor

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Susana González Hernández
Jacqueline Edith Mut Quej
Jaime Picazo Luna
Nayeli Guadalupe Gonzalez Bonilla
María Cristina Ponce Figueroa


Mycetoma is a chronic infection of the skin and underlying tissues caused by fungi or bacteria. It is endemic to tropical regions, mainly affecting men, peasants, between the third and fourth decade of life. The clinical picture is characterized by increased volume, deformity of the anatomical area, and fistulas that drain a stringy exudate with the presence of "pimples." The diagnosis and determination of the etiological agent is carried out by direct analysis and culture of the secretion.

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How to Cite
Susana González Hernández, Jacqueline Edith Mut Quej, Jaime Picazo Luna, Nayeli Guadalupe Gonzalez Bonilla, & María Cristina Ponce Figueroa. (2023). Mycetoma: Management for the First Contact Doctor. International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies, 3(3), 466–468.


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